Friday, December 12, 2008

All journeys have secret destinations of which the traveler is unaware ~ Martin Buber

Ryan Proposing...

This picture caught Ryan on bended knee!

Ryan (age 15) and Bobbie (age 16)

This is one of the first pictures Ryan and I ever took together. Here, we are standing in the Black Forest in Germany.

Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Thursday, November 20, 2008

Weight Loss Motivation of the Day:

Snot Fun...

Whip Up Some Fake Snot !

WHAT YOU NEED: Light corn syrup Unflavored gelatin
Measuring cup
Microwave oven or stove


Heat 1/2 cup water just until it boils. Remove the heat. Sprinkle in 3 envelopes of unflavored gelatin. Let it soften a few minutes and stir with a fork. Add enough corn syrup to make 1 cup of thick glop. Stir with the fork and lift out the long strands of gunk. As it cools, you'll need to add more water, spoonful by spoonful.

My solution?

Snot in the Schoolroom!!!

It seems lately that every minute of my day at school is bombarded with the not-so-sweet sounds of snot being ejected from a child's nose. Whether it be in a napkin, on a sleeve, or even on the desk, winter is upon us, and the snot is out in full force!!

Monday, November 17, 2008

Friday, November 14, 2008

Code Blue!

Lately, it has become apparent that I have developed a less than natural dependency on an extremely overpriced beverage... You guessed it- STARBUCKS! It has become so severe, that I cannot go even one morning without it, lest the mood-altering effects become overwhelming. As I try to kick this 290+ calorie habit and practice a bit of "Roll Control", I will keep you updated on my progress. Until then, umm mmm good!

Monday, November 3, 2008

As an added treat, Ryan worked it out to be able to go as well... something about "for the ministry" - whatever the case it worked!

Field Trip Fun!

As an Honor Roll field trip, we took all of the kids to Marengo Cave in Marengo, IN. It was great fun for all of the kids... the bruises on my knees say otherwise for me! The grade school kids went on a walking tour of the caves while the high schoolers descended 20+ feet underground to the Adventure Tour. They said bring a change of clothes, and now we know why.

Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Monday, October 27, 2008

Throwing Your Weight Around

Idiom Definitions for 'Throw your weight around'

The act of using ones authority or force of personality to get what they want in the face of opposition.

Allie all grown up!

The Nonchild Child!

Here is Allie attempting to "nurse" at her father's bosom.

Here I am trying to bond with this dog. We failed early on to capture that mother/daughter relationship; thus the dog likes/obeys my husband a thousand times more than me!

Growing a bit older

Allie the day we brought her home.

To Dream is to Dare...

"It is in the ability to open our eyes and minds where limitless wonders are discovered."


I cannot say that I whole-heartily endorse this message.

Saturday, October 25, 2008

Switched at Birth

Although I found this picture, I still strongly hold to the widely accepted theory that I was possibly switched at birth. I guess I will have to wait for the proper DNA testing. (Again, I am on the right)